Thursday, September 22, 2011

October Art News

The Mountain View C.H.O.I.C.E Art Studio Opens

Students are getting their art studio back again this year.  We are beginning to open art centers slowly as we re-learn how to work in our studio space.  Drawing and painting are open and we are adding collage, clay, and finishing center.  Soon after that we will open fibers, printmaking, and scuplture. 
There is some great exploration taking place and some beautiful artworks being created. Most importantly, students are practicing 21st Century Skills like collaboration, critical thinking, reflection, flexibility, adaptability, leadership and responsibility, and so much more.  You can also see that students are taking pride in and responsibility for their studio centers and materials.  

Kindergarten are expert line makers.  We have explored many different lines that artists use through many different  media; drawing tools, paint, clay, and cut paper. We've studied artists who highlight lines in their paintings and drawings.  We will now explore shapes and color.  Working through collage techniques and color mixing, we will study artists like Frank Stella, Henri Matisse, Joan miro and quiltmakers that work with geometric shapes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Welcome Back to Art Class

Welcome back to the 2011-2012 school year. I am glad to be working with all my new and returning art students. Already students are creating great works of art!  We are beginning the year by unveiling of this year's theme...What do artists do?  We are discussing that artists do more than just make things.  They think, and look, and connect to others as they work.

Students in grades 1-5 are starting the year by contributing to a school mural in the Kiva.  They are able to explore a variety of centers and move at their own pace with their own ideas.  They can choose to express these ideas through drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, fibers, and sculpture.  This first project is called the ABCs of ART.  Each student is making a 5"x5" square with a letter of the alphabet. Since many of these students were familiar with our studio setting (TAB-Teaching for Artistic Behavior) last year, I am encouraging them to really 'Stretch and Explore' many ideas while doing this project.  We are reflecting on our progress and making connections to each other, just as artists connect to other artists’ work in the art world.

Kindergarten students are beginning the year by doing some observation drawing.  We are also exploring a variety of media in the art room while studying lines.  Looking at artists’ work that show line and finding them in our world helps to make our work more meaningful.

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